Long Term Care & Fixed Indexed Annuties

70% of Americans who reach age 65 will need long term care at some point in their lives. That is 2 in 3 people. The average caregiver works full time & cares for a parent for over 20 hours per week.

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Will my Spouse receive income from my or our Annuity when I pass away with an Indexed Annuity?

Will my Spouse receive income from my or our Annuity when I pass away with an Indexed Annuity? With the proper planning, your or your spouse can receive income for life when the other spouse passes away first. Not all annuities are structured properly due to poor planning when the selection of annuity products was… Continue reading Will my Spouse receive income from my or our Annuity when I pass away with an Indexed Annuity?

Are Double Digit Returns Possible with Fixed Indexed Annuities?

Are Double Digit Returns Possible with Fixed Indexed Annuities?

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Risks with Fixed Index AnnuitiesAnnuties

For over 20 years I have helped hundreds of individuals and families better their finances, get ahead to have a better life, achieve the American dream, improve their financial position in life to have a higher quality of living, to raise their standard of living.

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Opening an Indexed-Annuity

For over 20 years I have helped hundreds of individuals and families better their finances, get ahead to have a better life, achieve the American dream, improve their financial position in life to have a higher quality of living, to raise their standard of living.

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Common Questions on Annuities

For over 20 years I have helped hundreds of individuals and families better their finances, get ahead to have a better life, achieve the American dream, improve their financial position in life to have a higher quality of living, to raise their standard of living.

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